IFPAC Cortona Program Details

IFPAC Cortona Conference 2023

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View IFPAC Cortona 2023 - Program Book



A summary of each session is included below.  View the Program Here for the latest details. 


Plenary Session - Pharmaceutical/Bio Manufacturing Innovation

The plenary session will provide an introduction to the IFPAC Cortona conference and an overview of what it intends to accomplish. There will be presentations on innovations in the pharma industry and from government regulatory agencies. This provides opportunities for interaction on topics of advances in technology and improved Regulatory Harmonization between the U.S. and Europe. This will be an engaging and diverse plenary session to begin the conference!

Industry 4.0: Machine Learning, IT & Data Information Management

This session describes how to provide rapid & comprehensive access to Product and Process knowledge (both data and text) through information systems that are efficiently, effectively and securely networked across Development, Quality and manufacturing to facilitate Continuous Improvements.

PAT and Analytics

Process Analytical Technologies, whilst not a new concept in the manufacturing space, are fast becoming integral to the pharmaceutical industry. The recent push towards designing quality into the process, accelerated by release of regulatory guidance (ICH Q8 ) has highlighted the importance of PAT for providing data linked to enhanced process understanding. Coupled with analytics and automation, this supports the transition towards Pharma 4.0; a new industry standard connecting external information (patient experience, market demand) with internal information (process data) to enable real time responsiveness, monitoring and control.

Continuous Manufacturing

BioProcessing – Cell and Gene Therapy

The emergence of new, more sensitive analytical methodologies which improve the ability to characterize biotherapeutic products introduce challenges of where this increased sensitivity has potential impact to patients. Acceptable specification criteria are largely defined only by in vitro empirical data for product that has been used in clinical studies. This session will focus on innovative, risk-based approaches to develop and establish effective specifications and adaptive process controls that are predictive of product safety, efficacy and quality

Wrap-Up Session & Action Planning Meeting

This session has evolved over the years to be a highlight of the Cortona conference.  All attendees, speakers, and vendors will participate in break out discussions by topic of interest.  This session will help participants with distilling the conference into main themes and key findings, reporting back key findings and ideas to their own organizations, and future innovation planning.  

IFPAC-Cortona attendees continuously praise the benefits of attending this session and appreciate the unique opportunity it provides for transforming new ideas into next steps.  

View the Full Program Preview Here

Exhibition 9-11 October, 2023 - Table top displays and sponsorship opportunities are available for demonstrating products or services before a specialized audience.



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